- forklift
- вилочный погрузчик
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
forklift — UK US /ˈfɔːklɪft/ noun [C] (also forklift truck) WORKPLACE ► a small vehicle with two metal bars fixed on the front, used for lifting and carrying piles of goods: »He put himself through college by operating a forklift at night. »He has a job as… … Financial and business terms
forklift — (n.) also fork lift (truck), 1946, from FORK (Cf. fork) (n.) + LIFT (Cf. lift) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
forklift n — Forklift. see picture … English expressions
forklift — fòrklift m DEFINICIJA reg. vozilo s posebnom pokretnom polugom za podizanje i prenošenje tereta; viličar, viljuškar ETIMOLOGIJA engl. fork: viljuška, vješala, jaram + lift: dizalo … Hrvatski jezični portal
forklift — ☆ forklift [fôrk′lift΄ ] n. 1. a device, usually mounted on a truck, for lifting, stacking, etc. heavy objects: it consists typically of projecting prongs that are slid under the load and then raised or lowered 2. a truck equipped with such a… … English World dictionary
forklift — /fawrk lift /, n. 1. Also called forklift truck, fork truck. a small vehicle with two power operated prongs at the front that can be slid under heavy loads and then raised for moving and stacking materials in warehouses, shipping depots, etc. v.t … Universalium
forklift — noun Forklift is used before these nouns: ↑truck … Collocations dictionary
forklift — İng. forklift Bakınız çatal kaldıraç … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
forklift — šakutinis pakėliklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. forklift vok. Gabelstapler, m rus. вилочный погрузчик, m pranc. chariot élévateur … Automatikos terminų žodynas
forklift truck — UK US noun [C] TRANSPORT ► FORKLIFT(Cf. ↑forklift) … Financial and business terms
forklift truck — ► NOUN ▪ a vehicle with a pronged device in front for lifting and carrying heavy loads … English terms dictionary